icindekiler_ 2022
Yeni Nesil Çalışanların Liderlik Algısı
Clusters: Are They Propitious Ecosystems Wherein Sustainable Entrepreneurs Can Thrive?
Research on Determining The Factors Affecting Hotel Choice of Families Having Children
An Evaluation of E-Complaints of Child-Friendly Hotels
Does International Trade Effect Income Inequality?: Evidence for G-7 Countries
The Impact of The COVID 19 Pandemic on The Tourist Economies of The Balkan Countries
Azerbaycan Turizm Sektörü Resmi Birlikleri Web Sayfalarının Analizi
Examination of Generation Z’s Preferences of Agro Tourism Type: Analysis In Izmir During COVID-19
Emotion Management and Performance: A Study on Employee Perception
Hastanelerde İç Müşteri Tatmin Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi: Büro Memurları Örneği
Kruvaziyer Turizminin COVID-19 Salgınında Kriz Yönetimi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
The Physical Facilities and Services For Children In Family Hotels